Monday, January 10, 2011

Big Weekend

I spent the weekend caring for my friend's dogs.  Actually, she is taking care of her landlady's dogs, but she was gone this weekend and I was watching them for her.  When I came in early Saturday morning, I saw what I thought was stool, but turned out to be chewed up and vomited pillow stuffing.  I proceeded to feed the dogs, then watch two of them vomit profusely.  The smaller dog ended up only vomiting twice, but the larger lab type dog vomited several times.  SEVERAL.  We cleaned it all up and did not feed the dogs that had been vomiting and all seemed well on Sunday when we came in.
This weekend we found out that the two guinea pig babies we have will be going to a foster home through EARPS.  They will be missed.  Especially the gray and white one that likes to let Iggy wash its' face through the bars of the cage.
Today we also sent our "garage kitty" to the Humane Society.  Hopefully, he will have a better chance of getting a home this way!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Working (& singing, much to Rachel's chagrin) today!  After jogging 2 miles yesterday on the treadmill (which I don't like but we still owe about $800 on), I went to boot camp last night.  It kicked my booty!  I really liked the Thursday boot camp better than the Saturday one.  The people in the class were much more enthusiastic.  There were a couple of women that talked the whole time (which was mildly annoying), but I still enjoyed it.  I got up early this morning, around 5 am, and got on the treadmill again.  I wasn't able to run as long as I had yesterday, but I still got a good workout in.  I am almost done watching She's out of my League.  I have promised myself that I will only watch when I am running so that I will be encouraged to keep doing it.  Signing off for now...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Way too early for this...

Today is Wednesday. It's my normal day off. My husband lets me sleep in (he tries to at least). Youngest boy comes to his bedroom door (which is right next to mine) and yells, "Daddy, I'm cold." To which his sister replies, "Because you don't have clothes on." Youngest says..."Well, I have pants on." Only in this household could you hear a statement like that. Getting ready to get on the treadmill & prepare for yoga later!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Two day break!

I don't have to be back at my full time job til Friday! Tomorrow I will go to yoga with my bff, Crystal. I'm not sure what I have planned for Thursday just yet. I know I'm going to Boot Camp with Katie in the evening. I may try to hit the library early in the day. I just read a book called The Blue Bistro and I think I may be hooked on the author.

Monday, January 3, 2011


My name is Tricia.  I'm 30 years old, have been dieting changing my lifestyle for the past 4 years (almost), and live with my husband and 3 kids.  Our home also includes:
4 dogs
3 cats (plus a garage kitty in need of a home)
2 fish and
3 guinea pigs.
We live a very hectic life in a 3 bedroom home in the middle of nowhere.  This year my husband and I decided to get out of debt and finally get healthy!  Follow my our journey!